This is the final post in the series of the new monster system. In the part 1 I talked about how all attributes and effects of monsters will be visible, and in part 2 I talked about a new magic system for monsters. In this final part I will talk about how monsters will attack in general.
How monster attacks currently work (Release #1-7)
Right now monsters can attack in exactly one way, either by melee, ranged or magic. For a melee attack to hit, the monster has to be adjacent to the player (unless it has reach) and the chance to hit is determined by the monster’s “melee” attribute and the players “block” attribute.
A ranged attack can be made if the player is close enough to a monster (determined by it’s “range” attribute), the chance to hit is determined by the distance to the player and the “Missile” attribute of the monster.
Finally, a magic attack always hits and can be made if the player is close enough to the monster (again determined by the “range” attribute).
The reason that monsters have exactly one attack of exactly one category is for several reasons: it was the easiest to implement from the start, it is simple to understand and there’s only room for one attack in the right panel.
There are several drawbacks with monsters having only one attack: the attack may be useless (e.g., a monkey stealing from a broke player), the attack may be inappropriate (e.g., an archer standing next to the player), or they may be too powerful (e.g. a water elemental able to hit unlimited number of unresistable water damage that always hits) and it makes the monster predictable and less interesting.
Step Three: Monsters can have any number of attacks
Monsters will now have a set of attacks instead of exactly one. Each attack will still be in one of the categories: melee, ranged or magic and their mechanics will work mostly like they did before (see changes to magic in part 2, and see the next section on changes on ranged combat). The monster will choose an appropriate attack (if several attacks are possible, they will avoid useless attacks unless they are mindless or an animal).
All attacks and spells will simply be called “abilities” and will be listed under the new “abilities” heading on the monster examination screen that you saw in the previous parts. Furthermore, each attack or spell will have a unique name. The exploration screen will show both if the attack is possible and how likely it is to hit based on what kind of attack/spell it is.
Note that a monster can have any number of attacks of any category. For example, a monster may have several melee attacks. All melee attacks have the same chance to hit (based on the monsters “melee” attribute just like before) but it will choose randomly from them every time they attack. For example, the green worm that previously could only bite to cause disease now have two types of attacks:
Ranged attacks
Some changes have been made to ranged attacks as well, mostly to make them more similar to the player and also to reduce their power/annoyance.
Monsters who use ranged attacks will now have a limited stack of ammo. This stack of ammo does not replenish when the player rests. A monster will be able to use its ranged attack if it can see the player, is not adjacent to the player and if it has ammo left. In other words: ranged combat for monsters now works exactly like it does for the player.
As an example, look at the new goblin archer who now has several attack options: it has a melee attack, a ranged attack that it will use on distance and one spell (common for all goblins) that it will use when it is fleeing.

The goblin archer can use it’s fist in melee, use it’s bow in ranged combat or use it’s “panic” spell when it’s fleeing.
This new monster system has a ton of benefits:
- It is more consistent with how the rules work for the player
- It is more transparent and easy to understand
- It makes the game more fair (no more unlimited magic attacks by monsters)
- It makes monsters much more interesting
- You can easier see how a monster is affected by your attacks and the floor
- mp now matters for all kinds of characters, including monsters
- you can carefully plan your tactics based on what the monster can do, even when you meet a new monster.
There are probably even more benefits, and I really think this makes the game more interesting with these new mechanics.
There are even more changes coming not relating directly to monsters that I plan to blog about soon also.
Open information! It’s great to see you moving in this direction. If a game has permadeath, it’s nice for those deaths to come from known factors that I failed to mitigate, rather than due to !!UNAVOIDABLE SURPRISES!!
In the direction of open information, have you considered using Brogue’s “things discovered” panel? Not only does it show you the things you’ve discovered, but also shows you what’s UNdiscovered, so that when you’re thinking of quaff-IDing your 4th potion in the hopes that it’ll heal you, you can see how likely it is to be a potion that’ll help yu, and how likely it is to make things worse. Bonus: after you’ve identified every potion/scroll/staff/wand except for one, it auto-IDs the last possible such item kind for you as you could have done by process of elimination.
The “things discovered” won’t work in TGGW (and it shouldn’t) because there are so many potions, and there is no way that you will find even close to all of them in a given game. You are not supposed to use the process of elimination. I also don’t like to list what things there are in the game as my intention is that you should be able to play the game hundreds of times and still discover new things. In that way it is quite different from Brogue.
With that said, I am planning to rework the ID system as well. Right now quaff-id is a very poor strategy in TGGW as you are unlikely to find the same potion again.
Interesting response! I did not know that TGGW had that many different potions – admittedly I haven’t replayed it a huge number of times yet. Still trying to figure out whether there’s any reason to turn water valves on. π
That’s very good to hear, though. Not much reason to try to ID things you’re only going to see once! I’m excited to see what new system you come up with! I get a strong feeling, from having read up on all your blog posts of the past year, that your next update will make the game recommendable / playable to my more casual friends!
A huge part of TGGW is about discovery. I have not even myself (other than through testing) seen everything in the game come up in normal gameplay. And about valves, without spoiling too much: turning a valve can result in two different things, both of them have uses but in very different ways.
To be honest, I think TGGW in one way is moving in the opposite direction of being casual. The game is gradually getting more complex, and opening up monster attributes may actually come up as intimidating for the casual player.
On the other hand there I am also moving in the direction of making all information available in-game and I keep adjusting the interface and try to make things intuitive and make the game more fair. I think that the ascii is what scares casual players the most, but even that might change in the future…
Oops, failed at nested reply…
One thing I’ve been thinking about is the fact that in roguelikes, you’re sometimes hoping that potion in your bag is a specific potion, and with few or no other options you quaff it and hope for the best.
Which makes me think that if I made a RL, I don’t necessarily need to make harmful potions at all… if you’re hoping for a heal or stoneskin to save you, a Potion of Copper-to-Gold or a Potion of Infravision might as well be a harmful potion, for all the good they’ll do you and having wasted your turn. And then I could weave in your approach of having a craaap ton of different potion types, so players will always be able to trust that their potion won’t kill them, but rarely be certain that it’ll do what they need.
TGGW works quite differently than most other roguelikes when it comes to potions. There are very few potions that can help you in a panic situation, I think healing is one of the only, and that’s quite unlikely that you’ll get.
Potions are mainly for boosting your character until you rest. This is actually the main reason why I want to redesign identification.
Well I get people started off on Brogue, then I try to make them play DF Fortress Mode, then I go from there… π
Just played again, got some really fabulous items and underused them – I was on tilt because a cutpurse ambushed me at the stairs, which hadn’t happened yet before.
I was going to drink the red (ice) potions to heal, figured if there were 2x it was probably common/safe – I’m glad I didn’t, hehe!
Were you inspired by brogue? These games both seem to have a “the items you wear define your “class”” thing going on, rather than frontloading it and forcing you to build your character before you’ve even started playing yet.
I didn’t know about Brogue when I started developing TGGW, so the equipment idea did not come from there (but you have the same in the original Rogue).
But yes, the main idea in TGGW is that you should be forced to improvise your build after what you find. That’s how I like to play roguelikes myself.
My main inspirations (roguelike-wise) for TGGW have been Incursion, Angband and POWDER (even though none of those games are actually very similar to TGGW).
Guess I need to check out original rogue! You and brogue seemed like innovators to me, because all my early roguelike experiences had the race+class thing defining your playstyle (DCSS,Dredmor,ToME, etc)
Yes, I think race and class was introduced in Hack and Moria which I think was the actual influence of most later roguelikes.
To be honest, I haven’t played the original rogue that much myself.
Two more bonus games that also let’s you wing it without class+race: IVAN and POWDER. Also great games! But in both of those you kind of branch into a class by later worshipping different gods.
Unrelatedly: are you aware of ? It’s a site that currently only hosts brogue, but you can play a RL in the browser and people can watch/chat with you meanwhile. Here’s a bit of info from the guy who runs the site:
(ashful 4:21): can you make a page that says what is needed to add another game here?
(ashful 4:21): maybe tggw dev can make more compatibl
(ccc 4:22): I do like TGGW
(ccc 4:22): I bet it’s quite hard to port though
(TheLomaxx 4:23): well gone now π
(system 4:23): imp457 logged in.
(ccc 4:23): The source code for this site is also available, so the TGGW dev could just see how it worked
(ashful 4:24): cool
(ashful 4:28): curses? is n-curses the thing that makes brogue easy to work with?
(system 4:28): clarus logged in.
(system 4:32): coriander_seed started a game.
(ccc 4:34): ashful> brogue is designed to have different interfaces
(ccc 4:34): Basically, you can provide an interface, then brogue will ask the interface to plot a character, or get a keyboard or mouse command
(ccc 4:34): brogue comes with a curses interface, but it is easy to write a web interface like this
(ccc 4:35): If TGGW uses curses through an abstract interface, it would be reasonably easy to port
(ccc 4:35): If it uses curses directly all over the source code it would be hard
Thanks! This looks very interesting, I’d love to have a web-interface to TGGW like that. From what I can understand though, it is still quite far from being possible to just “plug in” the game and I think it would be quite a project.
I will consider this together with some other ideas that I have to port the game to other platforms.
Tried IVAN; things were too small and hurt my eyes, couldn’t figure out a way to make it bigger / make it ascii.
Your game is getting a fair bit of attention in this thread!
“I’ll probably give Infra Arcana and TGGW closer look one day. Especially with release #8 of TGGW, I think it’s approaching greatness.” Your teasers and blogging have worked on this person! π
Hey, yes I saw π Thank you!
I just got my first win π (10 speed helped a lot :D) This game is soooooooo amazing.
(I have some notes with possible bugs, and ideas. I’ll post it later)
Oh congratulations!! This is only the second one I hear about in the current release, so that’s not a small feat!
I look forward to your comments, and if you have a chardump I’d love to see that as well!
Here are my remarks:
– it is a bit misleading the tornado is an “x”, it looks like a opened vault. the red x can be monster too. and the turret looks like a grindstone. but maybe this is a trick π
– if i can detect undeads, i still can’t attack an invisible undead with a bow
– infravision vs invisible: i can see it from far, but i cant see it when im next to it
– infravision vs wind elemental, i wasnt able to see it when I was hit by it to a wall out of my light radius. just for the next turn.
– is it intended i lose a turn, if i unequip an item? but i dont lose a turn if a switch items.
– it is a bit tiresome to switch gears now. and you have to do it a lot. for example to switch between a candle and a shield. I’m not sure if shortcuts to alternative gears could help. (i mean you could bind an equipment configuration to a button). maybe this is unneeded.
– you can’t switch the second ring slot without losing a turn.
– is it intended, i can’t dualwield a silver knife and a knife? or an enchanted knife and a knife?
– blacksmith: knife, iron club can’t be upgraded
– armorer: rubber shield, red dragon mail etc can’t be upgraded
– jeweler(and maybe other item upgraders too): the text of the result of the upgrade is sometimes a bit strange. it can be in connection to the equipped status of the item.
– I’m not sure about this one, but i guess a blue octopus resisted fire damage
– a confused witch can still attack. is there any monster that can’t attack under confusion? magic users.
– wooden club of shocking: there’s no enough space at the “on hit” window, and i can’t see the shock damage.
– is it intended there’s no “grill” effect when i’m in lava (with 100% resistance)?
– it would be fun if it would be possible to have the counter attack ability multiple times. (dagger, rubber shield, upgraded chainmail)
– wing boots of levitation, i got an other one after a water filled pit. (and strange item anyway π knitted mittens of the warrior is really funny btw)
– i wish i could see the last position of items and monsters at other levels on the map. it is just hard to remember where i left items.
– it is possible a monster has no last position mark, if it flees away or teleported. so when i visit the level again i don’t remember there still is a monster(for example a monster that could give me some items if i killed them).
– is it possible to use rotten and fermented apples? π
Is this the chardump?
Thank you very much for all this feedback, very useful!
My answers are below:
β it is a bit misleading the tornado is an βxβ, it looks like a opened vault. the red x can be monster too. and the turret looks like a grindstone. but maybe this is a trick
Vaults and chests are represented by a big ‘X’. I know they look similar, but I have ran out of characters… I am currently experimenting with background colours for containers, so it might be solved in the future.
β if i can detect undeads, i still canβt attack an invisible undead with a bow
This is intentional, you cannot aim at things that are only detected. But I plan to change this.
β infravision vs invisible: i can see it from far, but i cant see it when im next to it
β infravision vs wind elemental, i wasnt able to see it when I was hit by it to a wall out of my light radius. just for the next turn.
Sounds like bugs. I will have a look, thanks!
β is it intended i lose a turn, if i unequip an item? but i dont lose a turn if a switch items.
β you canβt switch the second ring slot without losing a turn.
β wooden club of shocking: thereβs no enough space at the βon hitβ window, and i canβt see the shock damage.
These are known bugs.
β it is a bit tiresome to switch gears now. and you have to do it a lot. for example to switch between a candle and a shield. Iβm not sure if shortcuts to alternative gears could help. (i mean you could bind an equipment configuration to a button). maybe this is unneeded.
Agreed. It is not a good thing that it is ideal to switch all the time. I am working on a solution for the next version.
β is it intended, i canβt dualwield a silver knife and a knife? or an enchanted knife and a knife?
To dual wield, your weapons have to be an exact match. So no, you cannot use those combinations.
β blacksmith: knife, iron club canβt be upgraded
β armorer: rubber shield, red dragon mail etc canβt be upgraded
It is because these items don’t have upgrades. But yeah, maybe there should be an indication that they can’t be upgraded.
β jeweler(and maybe other item upgraders too): the text of the result of the upgrade is sometimes a bit strange. it can be in connection to the equipped status of the item.
Hm.. not sure which text you are referring to? The text in the item window or in the jeweller menu?
β Iβm not sure about this one, but i guess a blue octopus resisted fire damage
hm.. no they shouldn’t really. But it does resist cold damage.
β a confused witch can still attack. is there any monster that canβt attack under confusion? magic users.
Yes, magic users cannot attack when confused. However, the Witch actually use a “ranged” attack and not a “magic” attack, so they can use it.
I agree it’s not intuitive. This will all be much better in the next version when the attack is replaced by a spell (see my latest blog posts).
β is it intended thereβs no βgrillβ effect when iβm in lava (with 100% resistance)?
Yes, the grill effect happens when you take damage.
β it would be fun if it would be possible to have the counter attack ability multiple times. (dagger, rubber shield, upgraded chainmail)
With dual wield + counter attack you can get up to 4 attacks in one turn.
β wing boots of levitation, i got an other one after a water filled pit. (and strange item anyway π knitted mittens of the warrior is really funny btw)
haha yes, any combination is possible. Sometimes they are not so useful… and some are.. yeah funny π
β i wish i could see the last position of items and monsters at other levels on the map. it is just hard to remember where i left items.
I probably won’t implement that. First of all it is unreliable anyway since things and monsters move around and may disappear. Also, I am going to restrict the possibility to stash items in future releases, ideally you shouldn’t have to remember anything.
β it is possible a monster has no last position mark, if it flees away or teleported. so when i visit the level again i donβt remember there still is a monster(for example a monster that could give me some items if i killed them).
It’s actually not a “last position mark”. The mark just represent what you saw on that tile the last time (that’s why a single monster can leave several marks). And again, this is not reliable since there’s no guarantee the monster is even there when you come back for it.
β is it possible to use rotten and fermented apples? π
It is… π
Is this the chardump?
No that’s the savefile. You can get a chardump by loading your game, press ‘z’ for the menu and then select “create character sheet”.
Took a look at your character as well. Incredibly strong! Super high speed, really high hp, low noise, high armour, even with a lot of healing and gold, and an amulet of life saving left!
Really nice all-round character, but I see you were on your last food, so it must have been scary…
I had the 4 chocolate milks π and maybe some more food in the dungeon. The high missile stat was kinda important too. I killed the enemies with the sling most of the time, or with the wands.
And yeah I still don’t know what the amulet of lifesaving do π
And I keep playing the game… It is just perfect to play in work π
Wow, I forgot about the missile and wands on top of that. This character could probably win over and over again π
Really happy that I can help you make work more enjoyable π
I’ve been playing your game since the very beginning and always loved it.
It’s great to see it evolve further and getting the attention it deserves more and more.
I have a few comments:
– I’m not a fan of first having to find a weapon to kill; it made the game less fun for me. I would suggest to at least allow killing of unconscious monsters once you have a weapon.
– For me the game hogs up 100% cpu even if it’s just running and I’m not playing at the moment. This is really annoying, cause my fan will constantly yell at me for just having an ascii game open. This is the case of Win 8.1 and Win 7 for me. I’d be interested if other also have this issue. If you could somehow fix that, that would really be great
– If I equip something (like a broken sword) I will get the message “your melee does no damage” every time I make some (also unrelated) change to my inventory.
– the dark blue color (deep water) is hardly visible on my monitor even with full brightness
Thanks for making a great and free game! It’s one of my top roguelikes!
Thank you very much for the kind words! Really happy you like it!
Sorry it makes the game less fun for you. Personally I am very satisfied with this mechanic. Not being able to kill monsters in the beginning makes the game unique and makes the early game more of a challenge, and makes you think twice about backtracking later. It also makes finding your first means of killing monsters a milestone instead of something that you always do. I am unlikely to change this mechanic, sorry.
This is only the second time I hear about this. Very strange. Is is only in the newest version, or was it the same pre-release #7?
Ah, ok, I should fix that!
Yes I know. Not much I can do about that as long as I use the curses library. I know the colour is very dark, but now when water is blinking continuously maybe you see it a bit better at least? I have access to very few colours (only 16) with the curses library.
I think the no weapon thing is a superb mechanic. First I did not like it either, but now I love it. When I find a bad weapon I still have to make a decision, in which situation I prefer not to use it. The dual is just great. And after a monster is unconscious I have to decide if I want to waste an ammo to kill it or not.
Yes, this is exactly how I feel to! It forces you to take more decisions which I think is a very good thing. Being barehanded have strong benefits (dual wield + extra magic) and strong drawbacks (not killing monsters, no block/light).
A small bug? In a dark room, if you open for example an ice vault then the place of the chest has light. So from that spot I can see farther.
Yes I know… this is a bit tricky to get around in the current implementation. I hope to come up with a better way to handle it. I am currently working with the light/dark system so it might change in the next version, but I’m not sure.
Concerning the no weapon/no lethal damage mechanic, I too fall into the (I believe rather large) group of people who had found it strange at first but now loving it.
One thing that I still find strange though is that you cannot kill unconcious monsters with a weapon (although it was explained in some previous form why you cannot) while you can simply kill them with any sort of ammunition (regardless of the range or your missile skill)… Although this may make sense in terms of the game mechanics you want to be there, I can’t see how it makes sense in any other way..
I sadly don’t have any suggestion and just wondering what you think of this..
Fully agree. It doesn’t make sense logically at all, only from a gameplay perspective.
The reason is that I don’t want players to use a good non-lethal weapon such as a whip to get the monster unconscious and then swap to a lethal one to finish it off. It is ok to finish it with ammo or magic since this consumes resources.
It is very hard to come up with a logical explanation, but I think the game mechanics is more important. I am currently experimenting with another mechanic that restricts equipment swapping, which might change how I deal with this as well.
Thanks for your input!
hmm… i’m a bit worried about equipment swapping. it makes this game special. the more i play tggw tha more i like this equipment swapping without delay thing. it is a kinda deep strategy element in the game.
Thanks for letting me know. It is still just an experiment. I know some players feel the same way as you. The problem is that it makes it optimal to carry around a lot of equipment at all times. The other problem is that it kind of lets you have several builds going on at the same time. I want it for instance to be a choice to wear a light OR a shield for instance. But currently it’s optimal to continuously swap them.
That said, it is important for me to know what players value in the game, so I will think more before committing to restricting swapping. Thank you!
Yeap, all you write here is an advantage in the game and a disadvantage too. Now the strategy is to always adopt to the environment, to the enemies. This is kinda interesting. Always optimise your tools to the situation. An item is similar to a skill, that use can use. And you don’t have special build, but the different items you find will make the character and the gameplay different. (this thing with the super rare items is fantastic in the game.each run have a unique flavour)
And yeah for optimal play you have to care about your items, but this is the same in many roguelikes. And if we wanted optimal play we should move very strangely. Because of the noise, I would make a move ahead and then I would move back. Maybe a faster monster heard me and now coming from out of my view, and it is better to move back near a door if i want to close it, or to a stair or to a room with more light where I could use my ranged tools, or i just don’t want to move ahead again where maybe an other monster would hear me, and then i should fight both at the same time(It is hard to write this in english for me, i hope use understand it :D) but i don’t mind i don’t play optimally, if the optimal play is impossible for me. it is an interesting feeling π
What about to make an other class? With the item swap restrictions. And with some other advantage? Is it possible to balance the around two game mode at the same time? Or don’t give that class any advantage, and it will be a hardcore mode in the game π
Oh and without the item swapping it will be much harder to handle for example an ice wolf. it is fast and high ice damage.
btw I had an other win π but now I deleted the game, because i was a bit of addicted π I need some cease π
oh and I had a real super character where I lost because opening a merchant and then cancel it was a turn delay. pfff…
do you know that it is possible to have kinda infinite money in the game? π
– sometimes i lose a food because Rest is the top in the menu and I press space too fast, when I want to check the map.
– i realised the item swapping has a bug right now. you only lose a turn if the last thing you did in the inventory was an unequip move. so if i have a candle and i unequip it, and then i unequip an other item, then equip it again, then i wont lose a turn even if i unequipped the candle .
– if i open the inventory and use a wand from there, then I don’t lose a turn, but if I use the wand in the X menu I will lose.
– i think that scrolls are a bit uninteresting now, i use them rarely. only if i they are identified.
– i think the rapier should give -2 to block, it would be more interesting then.
– i lose a lot because i miscalculate the speed of the other monster. it attacks twice when i thought that i still have a turn to use the heals. I don’t know if this is good or bad. it is kinda exciting i’m not sure about this, but still strange. (maybe the new restricted class could see ahead this kind of info :D)
– and the most frustrating thing for me is when i move in a long corridor fast and then there is an eye in the corridor and now i’m poisoned for example. i have to move slow because of this, and it is just tedious. so when a monster comes into my field of view a stop could be useful. for example i have to release the arrow button and then press it again to move again.
– btw maybe im unlucky but the poison defence rings isn’t too useful for me.
and undeads are kinda easy to handle now, because they are slow.
a monster idea: something that make you fight against more then one monster at the same time. a trap? or some kinda of fast moving, weak rats who move around you. or can jump behind you?
I am responding to your previous comment here instead, the reply-nesting makes it hard to read.
You have a lot of very good points and interesting feedback here. Here are my responses:
– Yeap, all you write here is an advantage in the game and a disadvantage too. Now the strategy is to always adopt to the environment, to the enemies. This is kinda interesting. Always optimise your tools to the situation. An item is similar to a skill, that use can use. And you donβt have special build, but the different items you find will make the character and the gameplay different. (this thing with the super rare items is fantastic in the game.each run have a unique flavour)
– What about to make an other class? With the item swap restrictions. And with some other advantage? Is it possible to balance the around two game mode at the same time? Or donβt give that class any advantage, and it will be a hardcore mode in the game ?
This is actually a really interesting idea! But I would probably make it the default mode and call unrestricted swapping “easy mode”. I will think about it!
– btw I had an other win ? but now I deleted the game, because i was a bit of addicted ? I need some cease ?
Oh, really? You’re really good!! Congratulations again, really cool! π
– oh and I had a real super character where I lost because opening a merchant and then cancel it was a turn delay. pfffβ¦
Hm, ok. Walking “into” the merchant should take one turn, did it take one more turn after that? Then it’s a bug.
– do you know that it is possible to have kinda infinite money in the game? ?
No?? How?!
β sometimes i lose a food because Rest is the top in the menu and I press space too fast, when I want to check the map.
Yes… this happens to me sometimes too. Not sure what to do about that right now. I do not want to require more keystrokes.
β i realised the item swapping has a bug right now. you only lose a turn if the last thing you did in the inventory was an unequip move. so if i have a candle and i unequip it, and then i unequip an other item, then equip it again, then i wont lose a turn even if i unequipped the candle .
Ah ok, good to know! I haven’t tried to fix this bug yet.
β if i open the inventory and use a wand from there, then I donβt lose a turn, but if I use the wand in the X menu I will lose.
Oh, that’s another bug I didn’t know about! Thanks!
β i think that scrolls are a bit uninteresting now, i use them rarely. only if i they are identified.
Scrolls are mostly useful in the endgame. Especially detect scrolls that lets you be very selective about where to go. A very good strategy is to stack multiple scroll effects. You can fairly safely read un-ided scrolls since they don’t have lingering bad effects (they can have instantly bad effects though).
β i think the rapier should give -2 to block, it would be more interesting then.
It actually gives -1 on *each hit*. So if you hit a monster 3 times it will have -3 to block. Giving it -2 on each hit would be too powerful I think.
β i lose a lot because i miscalculate the speed of the other monster. it attacks twice when i thought that i still have a turn to use the heals. I donβt know if this is good or bad. it is kinda exciting iβm not sure about this, but still strange. (maybe the new restricted class could see ahead this kind of info :D)
In the next release all information will be available, including speed. See this post.
β and the most frustrating thing for me is when i move in a long corridor fast and then there is an eye in the corridor and now iβm poisoned for example. i have to move slow because of this, and it is just tedious. so when a monster comes into my field of view a stop could be useful. for example i have to release the arrow button and then press it again to move again.
Hmm… running should always stop automatically before you get into range of the monster. Running should be absolutely safe. Did you find an instance where it stopped to late?
β btw maybe im unlucky but the poison defence rings isnβt too useful for me.
They can be extremely useful if you are not too poisoned. If you get poisoned with no resistance you have no option but to rest. If you have poisoning level 1-2, it will disappear quickly if you have rPois 25% (it basically means that it is 25% chance every turn to remove one level of poison).
For your monster idea: yes.. it is definitely room for fighting crowds in TGGW. However, I mostly like few and tough monsters than many weak ones. But being forced to fight many can be interesting as well. Thanks for the suggestion!