Updates for December

Release #7 has been out for a bit more than a month now and I hope you have been enjoying it! It seems to have found quite a few new players as well, most likely thanks to the really nice review in rock paper shotgun. The game was downloaded 1000 times in the first week! This is as much as the previous release was downloaded in 6 months! I am really happy about all this! There has also been one reported win of release #7 already, so you know it is possible to beat 😉

What’s next?

Since the release I have been very active in development (but not so much in posting..). I am highly motivated and have already been doing a lot of new things which I plan to make a series of blog posts about. I am pushing some of the longer term plans further ahead and continue to develop the game as long as I have inspiration. It is funny how I considered Release #1 to be more or less the finished game. But the game keep wanting to evolve, so I let it… it is already starting to look quite different from how it did a year ago.

So just as a teaser, some of the things that are likely to make it into the next release are: a complete overhaul of monsters and how they work. A new category of items. Less dangerous water. A new elaborate service, and much more. Details are coming…




  1. #1 was more or less finished?! Ha! Proved that completely wrong :). Sure it “could’ve been,” but it just keeps getting better, eh?

    Congratulations on the downloads/players, by the way. Was great to see that article in RPS. Recognition for your hard work!

    > a complete overhaul of monsters and how they work

    This sounds like quite a change! Very curious about that one… looking forward to more posts.

    1. Thank you very much Kyzrati! 🙂 It does indeed nice to have more players. But I still think a very large percentage of the player base is because of you!

      Yes, I know I say it before almost every release, but the next one will probably be the biggest change so far. I will reveal the details soon 🙂

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