Game Discussion

I’m delighted to announce that this website just reached a thousand comments! This is a great milestone and I am really happy that the game is being discussed so much, that you report bugs and give ideas and opinions about the game! Thank you all very much 🙂

Because of this high volume of discussion I’m starting to feel that commenting on posts is a bit limited. It is hard to get an overview of discussion topics and it’s not searchable. Moreover, comments are usually used for general discussion rather than for the specific post (which really isn’t a problem for me though). But it would be nice to have a place for discussion in general.

I am now exploring some options and would like your opinion. I’m thinking about starting a subreddit or a forum on the website. Would you be using a forum or subreddit? If so, which one would you prefer? Do you have other ideas? I’d like to keep the community as focused as possible since the game still has a relatively small player base.

I have started a similar discussion on reddit if you want to follow the discussion there too.